Standard EmailClubUK Service

As an EmailClubUK Operator and ZedMail Distributor your main initial source of income is from the regular fee paid by your business clients for using the Standard Service.

The Standard Service is for us to provide the client with a Counter Box and Sign-up cards to enable them to start enrolling their customers into their Club.

We then send a 'Welcome Email and Offer' from the Client to each new member. Thereafter we send one, two, or up to four emails per month from the Client to all of their members. And also include an offer from the Client to all the members in your 'Master List' (your central Email Club) via your regular monthly 'Club Email'.

This Standard Service is the bread and butter of your Email Club business and should earn you an excellent income, for very little work.

Details of all the Additional 'Standard' Services and 'Add-on' Packages are covered in the Local Operators Start Up Package.

How Does the Standard Service Work?

With this simple system you can show your clients how, without hardly any effort on their part, they can build an email 'contact list' of all their customers, and send regular email offers encouraging their customers back to their premises with enticing offers.

With your help they will be able to run ongoing, highly targeted marketing campaigns whenever they want, for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising methods.

Yet nearly all of the work will be done FOR THEM.

The key to success here is to get their customers' PERMISSION to send regular email offers to them. We do this by providing all of our business 'clients' with a special Counter Top Box (like a ballot box) which they place on their counter.

The message on the box is personalised for each client but reads something like:

'Join our FREE Email Club.
You'll receive FREE coupons and discounts
you can use on future visits!
Just fill in the form and deposit in the box.'

From here it's as simple as 123:
  1. We collect their customers' 'Sign up' Forms (or the business sends them to us).

  2. We type the customers’ names and email addresses into our email database program.

  3. We send the clients' coupons and email messages to their customers.
It's that simple.

All THEY have to do is provide us with their email messages, and pay us our regular fee for providing the service (payable every quarter or annually.) Thereafter, all WE have to do is send their emails out!

First Box in Wins

The key to success in this business is the placement of a 'Counter Box' in the business establishment. Once you have your Counter Box in that business, you've 'secured' that business.

So, with every single client it's a case of .....

……. 'first box in wins'!

Box placement is critical here since, once that small one square foot of counter space is taken, it's gone! No business is going to want TWO counter boxes. So once you've 'secured' your client, it's highly unlikely you'll ever be 'removed' by anyone else.

So this really is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY for you.

There will be no second chances. You need to do it now, and you need to do it right.

Now, RIGHT now is the time to hit the market. And once we've got started our feet won't touch the ground for years, so great is the demand likely to be.

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